What Is Cable Internet?
July 7, 2021Internationally known as the World Wide Web, the Internet is also known as the Intranet. The Internet is a global network that connects computers all around the globe. Through the Internet, individuals are able to share information and even communicate with other people from any part of the world with an Internet connection. In addition, through the Internet people are able to attain educational and societal information from all over the globe. In short, the Internet is a worldwide community of communication.
It was not that long ago when the Internet was just being introduced and talked about by most public and private entities. The Internet service providers or networks brought fast speed access to the Intranet at very affordable rates. As a result, more people could now access the Internet at much lower costs compared to before.
To briefly outline the history of the internet, we need to go back to the very beginning. With the onset of electronic data packets, the use of the Internet as a communication tool became apparent. At this point in time, the Internet was still somewhat limited to the few select countries around the world including US, Japan, Canada, and Western Europe. Access was available through a few selected telephone lines and through the use of radio signals.
Later on, the Internet Service Providers orISPs introduced a new data packet transmission standard known as IP Address. This standard is widely used in the Internet today and makes the Internet a global system of exchange of information. An IP address is assigned to every computer that is connected to the Internet using an ISP. A unique numerical address is assigned to each of these computers which allows them to be uniquely identified.
However, there are still some limitations in the Internet as it is used today. One major limitation is that the majority of computers still do not have any web browser installed on their systems. This means that the vast majority of users connect to the World Wide Web using their computers instead of their web browsers. This makes the use of the internet extremely slow when it comes to transferring large amounts of data packets. As a result, most people still cannot get online. In fact, this is still the case in many rural communities where internet service providers are unable to get access to cable modems which provide high speed broadband services.
One way that this problem is solved is through the IP changing technology which is known as IP changing. This technology makes it possible for computers to establish a connection to the internet using a different IP address than the one they normally use for their everyday surfing. Whenever the computer requests a web page, the request is sent to this IP address which is in effect acting as a proxy server to hide the original destination of the request. The request goes to the website, which is supposed to return the information in the form of a buffer instead of a file. Once the requested information is received, the information is converted into the form of a normal file. This process continues until the requested data is successfully delivered and the IP address is replaced by its current IP and the packet is sent on its way.