Cybersecurity Threats and Solutions
March 6, 2023Cybersecurity threats and solutions are becoming more prevalent as the world becomes increasingly digitally connected. This trend is especially evident in sectors such as finance, government, retail, healthcare, energy and others.
Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, using malware, phishing and other tools to steal information and disrupt systems. That is why businesses and organizations must have a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy in place.
1. Malware
Malware, also referred to as malicious software, is a type of destructive computer code that can corrupt files and wipe out operating systems. It also has the capability of stealing sensitive information, spying on businesses or launching DDoS attacks.
Viruses and worms are two of the most widespread types of malware, though there are many others that fall under this umbrella term. Unlike viruses which require an application to execute, worms operate autonomously across systems with no user intervention required.
They can encrypt files, lock them until a ransom is paid or cause the entire system to crash and shut down. Other forms of malware include cryptojacking, which utilizes an infected computer to perform computationally expensive operations that help verify transactions on cryptocurrency blockchains for an attacker’s benefit.
2. Viruses
Viruses are microscopic infectious agents with genetic material (DNA or RNA). They must invade a host organism in order to reproduce, leading to numerous diseases and outbreaks over the years.
Viruses lack ribosomes and other cell-like organelles, as well as the ability to store energy in ATP form. Furthermore, viruses act as genetic parasites, dependent solely on their host cells’ metabolic processes for replication.
Viruses can be used to infiltrate computers and create security breaches. They have the capability of stealing data, mining users’ personal information, altering software programs so the computer runs slowly or crashes, as well as causing other unpleasant effects.
3. Hackers
Hacking is often associated with criminals who break into systems to steal information. However, there are also ethical hackers who work for businesses to detect and fix security vulnerabilities.
These hackers, known as white hat hackers, use their skills to make the world an online safer place. On the other hand, black hat hackers often target companies for personal gain rather than to improve security.
In addition to the two primary types of hackers, there are gray hat hackers and script kiddies. Script kiddies are amateur programmers who use programs written by others in an effort to break into computer systems.
4. Botnets
Botnets are networks of hijacked devices infected with malicious software. Attackers use botnets to automate large-scale cyberattacks and distribute malware more widely.
To create a botnet, hackers first use tactics such as phishing, social engineering and software and website vulnerabilities to infect devices. Once one computer has been compromised, the hacker can recruit other compromised computers into their botnet.
They then gather all of the infected devices into a vast zombie network that is managed remotely by one hacker known as a bot herder.
A botnet’s vast reach enables an attacker to do things previously impossible with malware. Bot herders can command each device simultaneously in a coordinated criminal action from one central hub, as well as alter the behavior of infected machines on-the-spot.
5. Ransomware
Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts computer files and systems, typically demanding victims pay a ransom in exchange for decryption keys or the ability to unlock their data.
Cybercriminals can launch ransomware attacks through a number of means, such as email attachments or malvertisements with malicious links. The malware may also be downloaded via exploit kits or dropped by compromised websites.
Businesses should employ security software to safeguard their networks against ransomware attacks. Up-to-date anti-malware programs will detect ransomware and stop it from infecting devices. They can also help stop ransomware spread between devices by restricting network and shared drive access.